Christmas Hamper Appeal 2023

December has finally arrived, which means our CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL in aid of Wetherby & District Foodbank has been launched with students.
Students have learned that over 8,000 parcels a day were donated to families between April and September this year (up 16% from 2022) – and that out of these 2/3 went to families with children. AND that in the last 6 months more than 320,000 people have had to call on help from foodbanks for the first time.
How can we help?
1) This Christmas, we are asking all students to support our appeal by bringing in items to donate (list of items needed are shown in photos, and listed here )
2) Each form has been tasked with creating an original food hamper – they are encouraged to be as creative as possible. This is a HOUSE COMPETITION so the winner and runners up will be awarded extra house points.
3) Hampers should be ready for Tuesday 19/12/23 when Wetherby & District Foodbank are coming to TGS to judge and collect our hampers.
We ask families to donate what they can – every single item will make a difference. Thank you!

For more information about Wetherby & District Foodbank, and how they help families in need, please visit their website: