British Values


At Tadcaster Grammar School we recognise through our vision and values the importance of allowing our students to flourish academically and our wider role in preparing them for life in a multicultural, multi-faith Britain. Through our rich and varied curriculum and experiences beyond the classroom, we promote and reinforce the ‘British Values’ of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and the tolerance those of different faiths and beliefs.

We recognise that such development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by all staff and provide a model of behaviour for our students. All staff know that they are role models and ambassadors for Tadcaster Grammar School whilst at school and when in the wider community.

‘British Values’ have been identified as:


At Tadcaster Grammar School the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced with democratic processes being used for important decisions within the school, for example the election of our Head Students. Our curriculum  promotes democracy with mock elections in the run up to local and national elections and the principle of democracy is explored in History, Religious Education and Life Skills.

Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout school structures and our Behaviour Management Policy, as well as when dealing with behaviour. This is achieved through school assemblies and on specific curriculum days, for example the ‘Prison, Me, No Way’ Day in Year 9 and through the Life Skills curriculum. Students are taught the values and reasons behind laws; that laws are there to govern and protect us and the consequences when laws are broken.

Students are helped to learn to manage their behaviour and to take responsibility for their actions. Staff are committed to providing a consistent and safe environment within the school and beyond. An environment of this type enables students to feel secure; this in turn, promotes the optimum conditions for learning to take place and achievement to be recognised and celebrated.

Individual Liberty

Students at Tadcaster Grammar School are encouraged to make independent choices knowing they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. Our staff invest a great deal of time in creating a positive culture in our school so that all students can make informed choices, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education. Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our exploration of E-safety.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the core of school life. Students learn to treat each other and staff with great respect. This is evident when walking around the school and within classrooms. Mutual respect is embraced throughout our curriculum  and students are encouraged to express their views and to respect the views of others.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

At Tadcaster Grammar School we greatly value the multi-faith dimension that different community groups bring to our school and we enjoy celebrating the diversity of all those who come into our school. Each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, sexuality, faith, heritage or race.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum in which all major religions are studied and respected. Our Religious Studies curriculum which is compulsory for all students up to the end of KS4 provides an education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. Our assemblies, and Life Skills lessons help our students to find out about themselves and others, linking their lives to the communities in which they belong. We place great emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all students’ experiences and awareness of others.

At Tadcaster Grammar School we strongly believe that tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is essential for a healthy school and the wider community. This is also delivered through our curriculum, as well as the routines of daily school life, as we strive to not only learn about, but also demonstrate tolerance, and help students to become knowledgeable and understanding citizens who can make a valuable contribution to our society.

PDF PREVENT – Risk Assessment and Prevent Leaflet for Parents and Students
