Young people are the leaders of tomorrow. As a school we seek real opportunities to enable students to experience leadership and to develop their leadership potential.
Each year a range of opportunities are available for individuals to take on specific roles, however all students are encouraged to develop their own leadership skills through curriculum opportunities.
Transition Leaders
There are opportunities for Year 7 and Year 8’s to become Transition Leaders, to help support Year 6 Primary school children on their journey into secondary school. Moving from Primary to Secondary school can be daunting, and the support of peers who have that recent experience is really helpful.
Our Transition Leaders will visit our feeder Primary schools to meet pupils before they come to TGS. They help design resources and activities and take part in the Year 6 inductions days in the Summer term. When the new students begin in September, the Transition Leaders are there as friendly faces to welcome them.
Year 10 Peer Mentors
Year 10 have the opportunity to apply ( in Year 9) to become Peer mentors and make a difference in the life of the lower school both academically and pastorally.
Their duties include: Supporting Year 7 in Tutor Group time under the guidance of the form tutor, acting as an Ambassador during Year 6 Open evening, playground observational duties, working on a one to one basis to support identified students, helping on Transition Day.
Peer Mentors have a positive influence on students in the following ways:
- Helping with homework/organising skills/study skills.
- Listening and responding to the needs of the students by the students
- Creating a caring atmosphere impacting relationships
- Reducing bullying and lateness
- Providing positive role models within the student body
- Resolve minor problems through mediation
Enhance citizenship by providing support and guidance from the older students.
All students complete a Peer Mentoring training program before embarking on this role within school.
Tutor Group Reps
All students have the opportunity to apply for the position of Tutor Group Rep. This is a formalised process requiring the students to complete an application form. The Form Tutor then assigns 2 Reps per form, and they feed any issues or concerns raised with the main student body, directly to their House Captain. The House Captains take the information to the School Council who meet regularly, to discuss, and decide on the actions that need to be taken.
Head Students, House Captains and Student Leaders
There are opportunities for members of the Sixth Form to become Head Students, House Captains and Student Leaders within Sports, Community/Pastoral, Charity/Fundraising and School Environmental groups, all involved within the School Council. The process is formalised with an application process and therefore designed to develop students attitudes, attributes and skills essential for employability and life. As the students progress through the Sixth Form there are opportunities for them to complete a portfolio of their involvement in the Student Leadership team at TGS. This offers a formal way to champion and celebrate the leadership skills our students develop in and out of school and ultimately achieve Student Leadership Accreditation.
The Student Leadership teams take responsibility for organising events such as Macmillan Coffee Mornings, Wear it Pink Day (Breast Cancer Awareness), Children In Need, Christmas events and the Leavers Prom.