Exam Information and Dates

Summer 2024 Results Days: We are looking forward to welcoming students to collect their results between 8.00am and 10.00am on the following dates:

A Level (GCE) – 15th August 2024
GCSE – 22nd August 2024

Please note: we do not telephone results to students.

  • Leave a stamped addressed envelope with the Examinations Office for results to be posted.
  • Complete a Results Collection Request Form (below) for a nominated family member to collect your results on your behalf – this form must be completed by the student and passed to the person collecting your results. The form and ID need to be produced by the person collecting, before the results are handed over.


The candidate should collect their own certificate, however if this is not possible, a nominated person can collect on their behalf. The person will need to bring with them a signed authorisation form (see below) as well as the photo ID of the person collecting.

Certificates are issued on the Awards Evening which is published by the School – if you are unable to collect at this event, appointments can be made for collection Monday – Thursday between 3.15pm and 4.20pm and Friday, 3.15pm – 4pm. Certificates are to be collected from Reception. If this is still not suitable, please contact the school to arrange collection or in exceptional circumstances, certificates can be posted out but the postage cost must be paid by the student and will depend on the weight. Please contact the exams Office to arrange this.

The school is only obliged to keep the Certificates for 1 year then they are either destroyed or returned to the exam board. At this point the cost of certificates will no longer be the responsibility of the school.

For certificates in previous years, please contact tgs.exams@tgs.starmat.uk to arrange collection.

Replacement / Lost Certificates

Please click here to explain what you have to do to replace lost/missing certificates.

PDF FAQ – Exam information and advice

PDF Key Stage 4 Examinations Information for Parents and Students

 Information for Candidates – Appeals Procedure for Internally Marked Assessments

 GCSE AS and A level Qualifications Reform Parent information

PDF New GCSE Grade Methodology