Pupil Premium

If parents/carers living in North Yorkshire are on a low income they may qualify for Free School Meals (to apply for Free School Meals you can complete the form at (https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/free-school-meals). In addition to securing free school meals, this would also result in the school receiving Pupil Premium funding from central government which we can then utilise to support your child with additional educational opportunities. Go to this website for more details: https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals

As a school we want to open up all opportunities to all students and do not want financial difficulties to be a barrier to these opportunities for pupils. We would always welcome dialogue with parents/carers to discuss how we can offer support in these circumstances. Please feel free to contact our Pupil Premium lead in school Mr A Sykes (a.sykes@tgs.starmat.uk) or your child’s tutor or House Leader to discuss these matters further.

In accordance with our school’s ‘Visions and Values Statement’ and our  pledge for ‘all students to maximise their potential through excellent academic and personal development’, we provide additional assistance and individual support to enable every student eligible for the Pupil Premium bursary to:

  • Be able to achieve fulfilment in their current and future lives.
  • Enable every young person to flourish and realise their full potential.
  • Offer stimulating and exciting learning experiences both within and beyond the ‘classroom’.
  • Provide opportunities to take part in sport, performance and other creative activities.
  • Ensure meaningful careers education and guidance.

The Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed and annually published on the school website every September.

For more information please contact Mr A Sykes (Senior Assistant Headteacher) Contact>>