Welcome to the Transition section of our website!
We hope that you find this page useful during this transition period. Here you will find everything you need to know to help you prepare for starting Tadcaster Grammar School in September.
This page will be updated periodically with new information and key members of staff – please keep checking for these updates.

Getting to know each other…
We have excellent and well established relationships with the primary schools within our catchment area and beyond.
We have a first class sequence of acquaintance and familiarisation visits, including a dedicated transition day for Year 6 students, a Parents’ Evening in June, a whole school Open Event in September and Headteacher information sessions at primary schools ahead of the event. Members of our Transition Team visit primary schools to meet our future students and their class teachers whilst they are in Year 6.
When the new Year 7 students join us in September the transition is, for the majority, to an already familiar environment, led by the Year 7 Year Leader, supported by the Year 7 Pastoral Leader and our dedicated Transition Manager.
The high quality of data available from Key Stage 2 means that we have considerable knowledge of new members of Year 7 when they arrive. This helps our staff to focus straight away on the learning needs of all students. Additional transition events are offered to sole entry students and vulnerable learners.
For more information please contact: Ms Nici Clarke, Transition Manager transition@tgs.starmat.uk