Consent and Application Forms

Year 6 Parents:

Parents of all year 6 students joining year 7 at Tadcaster Grammar School, in September, will have now received a welcome email.  A further email will be sent by ‘Applicaa’ where you will be asked to provide us with key information including parent/carer contact details, child’s medical information etc. We ask that you also complete the Acceptable User Agreement (AUA), and the Cashless Catering Consent Form below.  You do not need to complete the Student Record Form below as the information we require will be covered by the Applicaa form.

If your child/children are joining Tadcaster Grammar School from other schools mid-term, or for years 8 to 13 only, please complete the Student Record Form in addition to the Acceptable User Agreement (AUA), and the Cashless Catering Consent Form.

Student Record Form (for y8-13 or mid term students only)

Communication via remote video systems

We require that all parents and students have read and signed our Acceptable User Agreement (AUA) for communication via remote video systems. Please complete the AUA form below for all students joining TGS. Parents will be unable to access our virtual parents’ evenings without signing the AUA in advance.

Remote learning AUA – please complete

Cashless Catering Consent Form

We operate a Biometric Trust-e Cashless System (supplied by Nationwide Retail Systems Ltd) for students purchasing food at school where students and staff use their fingerprint in order to authorise payment. We require the consent of at least one parent in order for the biometric information of your son/daughter can be processed. Please complete the Consent Form below for all students joining TGS. Please be assured that this information remains within the school and that the biometric information taken is an algorithm and not the actual fingerprint.

Cashless Catering Consent Form – please complete

Additional forms you may require:

 Sixth Form – Leave of absence from school during term time