Effective partnership between home and school is essential if learning is to be successful and rewarding. We pride ourselves on the closeness of our communication with parents.
All students are issued with a planner. This is a document, serving a purpose far more important than merely a diary for the regularly timetabled homework. It is also a vital means of direct home-school communication, which encourages the partnership we actively seek. We expect parents to be party to their child’s learning, to read and respond to planner entries made by members of staff, and inform us of relevant issues and concerns.
In KS3 we issue up to three online reports for core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) and two from all other curriculum areas annually. House Leaders use these reports to carefully track the progress of every individual and intervene rapidly when there are concerns that they may not be reaching their potential.
The school management system additionally allows all parents to securely access ‘live’ information about their child’s academic performance, awards received and behaviour. There is also a Parents’ Evening for each year group and all Year 7 and 12 parents are invited to an additional ‘Meet the Tutor’ event in October.
Tadcaster Grammar School operates a ‘tutor first’ approach and your child’s form tutor will be your primary contact in school to discuss concerns or issues either by telephone or email. We encourage regular dialogue between home and school.
We offer a range of Parents’ workshops, across all year groups, to support parents with their child’s learning experience.
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