Our Aim
To provide comprehensive, informative and up to date Careers Information, Advice and Guidance to all our students enabling them to become effective decision makers, gain employability skills and help them to plan their future careers.
We aim to inform, inspire and motivate our students; preparing them for further education and/or employment. Providing all students with opportunities to gain the knowledge and understanding of the range of education and employment choices available to them. For every student to become their “Best Self” and reach their full potential.
Careers Education
Careers Education is delivered in Life Skills lessons in Key Stage 3, this is in addition to the programme of careers related activities in lesson 1. In Key Stage 4 and 5, the delivery and engagement of Careers Education is through tutorial periods, alongside a tailored programme of events around student timetabled lessons. All Year Groups are additionally supported with activities such as Careers Fairs, visits, FE/HE providers and Technical College assemblies, employer engagement and alumni events. In addition CEIAG information is shared weekly through year group weekly bulletins and Key Stage termly Careers Newsletters. Tadcaster Grammar School welcomes providers into school, at prearranged times throughout the academic year, to support student decision making..
Student Careers Information
It is never too early to start researching post 16 and 18 options along with career choices. Below are links to recommended career information to support CEIAG education delivered in school:
Morrisby is our online careers platform provider. It provides the most comprehensive source of information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options. All students in KS3, KS4 and KS5 will be encouraged to register for Morrisby.
National Apprenticeship Week – during this week the careers focus is shining a spotlight on apprenticeship pathways, with additional form time sessions to ensure students are fully informed about the opportunities available to them.
See the PDF below for our programme for National Apprenticeship Week:
Information for Parents and Carers
Below are links to websites and publications created to support parents/carers to help guide their child with career planning and the school leaver options available:
Want to go to University?
Student Enrichment Opportunities
Enrichment activities can take many forms, and can enhance social and teamwork skills.
National Citizen Service – a government programme for 16-17 year olds to build confidence and independence. – wearencs.com
Year 12 – Company Programme
Available to Sixth Form students at Tadcaster Grammar School. Click here for more details.
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information (LMI), describes statistical data regarding jobs, salaries, employers and employees, sectors, current employment conditions and future trends. Click here to view e-booklet ‘Shape Your Future York & North Yorkshire’
The Department for Education have an online data portal, LMI for All, which brings together labour market information across the UK. The information generates the Careerometer and can be used to answer the questions such as ‘will there be jobs in the future?’, ‘what do people get paid?’ and ‘what does the job involve?
Careers Guidance
We provide impartial, Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor appointments, based in school. They offer a drop in service at breaks and lunchtimes for students as well as an appointment system for individual careers guidance.
Students can request an appointment by completing the Careers Guidance Appointment Form
In addition, a representative from the Careers department is available at Parents’ Information Evenings from Year 9 upwards. Additional information is also available at our One Stop Shop which can be found here.
Further Education Open Event Information
Guide to University
Guide to Apprenticeships
Guide to Engineering Careers Leaflet
UCAS Information for Parents and Careers
Useful A Level and GCSE Results Information

Contributing as a Tadcaster Grammar School alumni is a fantastic way to support current students. Your work and life experience since leaving school can help a current student to make a decision about their career and overall life choices.
Please complete the Form>>
The school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme in a number of ways:
Retention on courses and apprenticeships at KS4 and KS5 and when students leave at 18.
University and apprenticeship destinations.
Evaluation of each career’s initiative.
Compass review against the Gatsby benchmarks.
Student, teacher and parent feedback.
If you would like any further information, or to share feedback please contact:
Helen Lawson – CEIAG, Business and Community Links Manager
01937 833466