Tadcaster Grammar School has a large and thriving Sixth Form where many students choose to enrol to extend their studies post-16.
Students in the Sixth Form have their own designated tutors during tutor time, to provide individual mentoring as well as delivering careers advice, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) activities. They are also encouraged to support younger students by acting as mentors and fulfilling leadership roles.
The Sixth Form has a designated suite of rooms in the Sixth Form building for private study, with both classrooms and IT suites to further advance their studies – as well as specialist tutors, Sixth Form students are supported by the Director of Sixth Form, Pastoral Lead for Sixth Form and a Careers Manager.
Please refer to our Prospectus & Course Directory for more details:
To ensure we have up to date information about all our students, and to ensure we offer the most appropriate support, we ask that all students complete a Student Record Form. Please click here to complete this form.
Naturally, we are very proud of the achievements of our Sixth Form students, the majority of whom gain places at University as well as progressing directly into employment and apprenticeships.
Sixth Form courses offer both continuity and variety for our students as well as new and bespoke opportunities. We provide:
- A familiar, purposeful environment
- Specialist staff who are fully aware of each student’s needs and capabilities
- A warm, friendly and supportive ethos
- Continuous individual care and guidance
- Class sizes, guaranteeing greater personal tuition and monitoring
- Bespoke support for students wanting to study medicine, accountancy and law
- Careers education and work experience placement for all students
- Facilities solely for Sixth Form study
- One to one support with UCAS applications, CV’s and application letters
- Enrichment opportunities
- Educational Visits
- Leadership opportunities
- Sports opportunities
For more information please contact Ros Knapton (Assistant Headteacher: Director of Sixth Form) Contact>>