Year 7 Information


Thank you for taking the time to view the materials and resources that have been put together specifically for Year 7 parents, to provide you with some further information about the current systems in school, as well as some key updates for you.
This page includes information about our school reward systems, curriculum information, e-safety information and an overview of the form tutor system.
We hope that you find this useful and that this provides you with some further insight to your child’s day to day routine at Tadcaster Grammar School.
We have also added in the links to the videos from our year 7 form tutors, which have been updated since the summer. It has been a real pleasure for us to see how well the Year 7 students have settled into Secondary school and we very much look forward to watching them develop and progress on their 7 year journey with us.
Please don’t hesitate to contact school if you have any further queries or questions.
Best wishes
Miss Hodgson and Mr Bass

Form Tutor Systems
Settling in at School

Welcome from Ms Mulhern-Deputy Headteacher
Personal Development
Google Classroom
Chromebooks for Learning


Meet the Tutors-click here