Year 10 Information

Welcome to the Year 10 Information page for Students, Parents and Carers. We hope that you find these resources useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Information Evening (07/11/2024)

Thank you to all parents and carers who joined us for our information evening – the presentation and additional information referred to is available here:

Key dates for this school year

Maths assessments: 11th November ’24, 10th February ’25 and 28th April ’25
Reports: January ’25, end February ’25 and second week of July ’25
Parents evenings: 12th and 13th March ’25
Duke of Edinburgh: 24th April ’25 and 27th June ’25
Inspector Calls theatre visit (English): 29th April ’25
Geography Fieldtrip: 5th June ’25
Whole School Celebration Evening: 8th July ’25
Year 10 Discovery Day (Sixth Form): 9th July ’25
Year 10 French visit: 14th to 18th July ’25

Reminder: students and parents/carers can view student homework as well as behaviour positives, attendance, notifications etc on ClassCharts – if you don’t have login details, please contact Miss Higginson (

As you start to think beyond GCSE’s, why not have a look at what courses the Sixth Form at Tadcaster Grammar offers students. For information about Colleges and other Sixth Forms, please speak with our Careers support team. Here is a little information about our Sixth Form: